Instacart $100 Email Delivery Gift Card

By Instacart
Item # 980374891
Model # INSTAC66167
Current price: $97.88
Prices may vary in club and online.
Max 2 per membership


  • Email delivery gift card
  • Please allow up to 48 hours for email delivery
  • Card is usable, up to balance, toward eligible online orders placed on, on “Powered by Instacart” sites, or in the Instacart app in the United States.
  • Card does not charge a separate fee and does not expire.
  • See additional Terms and Conditions under Product details

About this item

Email Delivery Gift Card

The Instacart app gives you the power to get groceries, household items, and more, with same-day delivery.

Where Can I Redeem This Gift Card?

Card is usable, up to balance, toward eligible online orders placed on, on “Powered by Instacart” sites, or in the Instacart app in the United States.

Terms and Conditions

Card is not reloadable. Not redeemable for cash unless required by law. Will not be replaced or replenished if lost, stolen or used without permission. The value of your card may only be credited to one Instacart account and will be fully redeemed upon use. Limits may apply to redemption and use. You may be required to add a secondary payment method to use Cards on Instacart’s sites. The card is not redeemable outside the U.S. Purchase, use or acceptance of card constitutes acceptance of terms. For balance inquiries/customer service, call 888-246-7822. Other terms apply see: Maplebear Inc., dba Instacart is card issuer and sole obligor to card owner. Instacart may delegate its issuer obligations to an assignee, without recourse. If delegated, the assignee, and not Instacart, will be sole obligor to card owner. Card does not charge a separate fee and does not expire.

Email Delivery Gift Card Details

  • You will receive a confirmation email from within minutes of successful order placement.
  • A second email from with access to your Code is usually delivered within an hour or, at most, within 48 hours depending on additional order validation required by Sam’s Club or your credit card company.
  • If you have issues receiving your email, go to the following webpage to access your purchase: Enter your email address used to order on, your billing ZIP code, and your Order Number (your order number can be found on your confirmation email from or in your Account Order History on
  • To view frequently asked questions about this product, visit it

There are no returns or refunds on electronically fulfilled Code numbers. is not responsible for stolen or misplaced Codes.

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