Health Services

Save on prescriptions, walk-in immunizations and more. We'll always keep it easy and safe for you.

Care for your crew. Walk-in immunizations, prescription eyewear & more for the whole fam.

Care for your crew.

Walk-in immunizations, prescription eyewear & more for the whole fam.


Members-only savings on prescriptions** 10 free select generics for Plus members. Rx prices as low as $4 for all members.


Buy one complete pair of prescription eyewear and get 40% off other pairs with Plus. Learn More. Terms apply. *****

Humana Dental Savings Plan

Save an average of 20% -40% on dental care.*


Make appointments online or in the app. Walk-ins welcome too!****


Get a free hearing test at your club and get help funding the right hearing aids. ******

Pet medication

Your pharmacy is their pharmacy. See how much you could save on pet prescriptions at the Sam’s Club pharmacy.***

* This is a dental discount program offered by Humana and is not dental insurance. Not available in all states.

** Members can see savings and compare Rx prices.

*** In-club purchases only. Prescription from a licensed veterinarian required. ©2021 Zoetis Services LLC. All rights reserved.

**** Available in clubs with a pharmacy only. Subject to availability and applicable state law. Minimum age restrictions vary by state. Ask your Pharmacist if a prescription is required and for additional information. A copay may be required by your insurance provider.

***** Only available in clubs with an optical center. Valid Plus Membership required. Purchase multiple pairs of eyeglasses (frame plus prescription lenses) and receive 40% off each additional pair. Additional pairs of frames and prescription lenses eligible for the 40% off discount must be for the same patient and purchased same day on the same membership. Cost of the additional complete pairs must be equal to or lesser than the value of the first pair. Some limitations apply. Cannot be used in conjunction with state or federal government health care programs. This firm is not licensed to make eye examinations in the state of Arkansas.

******Consultation and hearing test provided in select Sam's Club locations by third party. Patients must be 19 years or older. Membership required for purchase.