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Tailgating 2024
’Tis the season for tailgating. And if you’re ready to get your game on, Sam’s Club is here for it.
Gather your crew and all the tailgating gear you need from your tailgating headquarters. It’s going to be a season of pre-game parties you won’t soon forget.
Stock up on tailgating food and drink for you and your fellow sports enthusiasts. You probably know the: Sports fans have healthy appetites! Stick with hearty fare like party trays or burgers and hot dogs for the grill. Then add some sink-your-teeth-into-it tailgate food like wings, appetizers plus some side dishes. Add chips and snacks to go along with the meal. And don’t forget to pick up some tailgating treats from the bakery for dessert. Fill the cooler with and be the hero of the day. Find your favorite beverages at Sam’s Club, from coffee, soda and sports drinks to bottled water and beer. Make it easy on yourself and pick up some disposable plates, cups and plastic cutlery too.
Hosting at home? Go all out by setting up a new TV, sound bar and home theater system so you everyone can watch the action (and those instant replays) on a beautiful screen that’s larger than life. And check out the amazing selection of grills and patio furniture at Sam’s Club, too.
Comfort is key, so you’ll need some tailgating furniture: sturdy chairs, a small table and maybe a cooler or two to keep drinks easy to grab. Get easy to set up tables and chairs at Sam’s Club. If you’re setting up outside. there are even NFL team canopies which are great to shield you from the weather and show your team spirit. Add a set of portable speakers for your favorite music and you’ve got yourself a full-blown celebration.
Add some decorations (team pennants!) plus T-shirts and hats for all the tailgaters. There’s a great selection of licensed NFL gear, NCAA gear and HBCU gear at Sam’s Club. Now, enjoy the action and may the best team win!