Storage & Organization
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Storage and Organization
Having a good storage system is vital for keeping things around your home or office tidy and organized. Some people opt to meet these needs with storage shelving, while others prefer shelving units. Regardless of what type of extra storage you are looking for, Sam's Club® has plenty of options for you to consider at members-only prices. So check out our products geared for the closet, your jewelry collection, the laundry room and other areas of the home.
Space and Accessory Considerations
Where do you want to add storage space? As a first step, measure the existing space to check that whatever shelving you are looking at will fit. You may want to include some extra space if you want to access items from multiple angles.
Also, if you’re going to assemble the installation, you will want to factor in any additional space you might need for putting it all together. In this regard, items such as storage benches require a lot less building space than full racks with multiple storage compartments. As a rough guide, figure on needing about a foot or two in each direction for assembly.
Types of Shelving
Numerous kinds of shelving are available. There are lightweight solutions that are excellent for closets or to hold laundry essentials. There are also multi-tier units that are handy for items in the garage. Also, if you want to organize a lot of heavy tools, boxes or other personal effects, check out either our wire shelving or heavy-duty shelving that are designed for just such a purpose.
Brands Available
At Sam’s Club, we carry top name brands that have been trusted for years. These brands include such well-known names as Bintopia, Honey-Can-Do, SEI and other companies. Whether you are looking to outfit a garage, closet or storage shed, you can find the right option with the right features at Sam's Club.