Suncast Snow Removal & Winter Accessories
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Suncast 20" Steel Core Combo Snow Shovel
Current price: $0.00PickupDelivery
Tips to a Great Looking Lawn In Spring Time
Many people do not realize that the appearance of their garden in springtime will depend on how they take care of it during the cold season. Some of the ways you can take care of your lawn or garden before and after it starts snowing include:
- Remove dead leaves, logs, twigs, rocks, or any other sort of debris from your garden
- Fertilize your garden before it reaches its semi-dormant state in the winter. October is usually one of the best times to do it
- Use ice and snow-melts to encourage melting and to discourage snow-mold as snow-mold can kill grass
Shop Sam’s Club today for all your snow removal needs and prepare yourself for winter, for less.